
Showing posts from April, 2013

May the 4th Be With You!

Is your house like mine? Do you have little Jedis in training wielding light sabers? Do you step on tiny Yoda legos or have Darth Vader masks peeking out from closets and toy chests?? If so, you need to mark your calendars for May 4 and 5 - Star Wars Days at LegoLand Discovery Center in the Grapevine Mills Mall. The activities will i nclude Star Wars themed builds, costume and trivia contests,  LEGO® YODA  mural display and appearances from 501 st  Legion costume characters. "May The 4 th  Be With You" Activities: ·        LEGO® YODA mural display ·        Mingle and take photos with your favorite 501st Legion characters. (Saturday from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.) ·        Showcase your building talents by creating a spaceship during special Star Wars- themed builds. (Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.) ·        Dress up in your best Star Wars gear and have your picture snapped to participate in our Face

Disney: Vintage Mickey T from Resurrecting Vintage

This shirt arrived in the mail from Resurrecting Vintage this week. While our whole crew is planning Disney outfits, my husband has been the sole hold out. He isn't dying to plaster Disney all over himself, and yet he doesn't want to be the only party pooper either. So when I saw this shirt I knew this might be a perfect solution. Sold on Etsy by Resurrecting Vintage this is a red and black vintage Mickey shirt originally sold by Disneyland in the USA. This is actually a picture of him in the shirt and he loved the softness, the relaxed broken in look and the  not-so-glaring look. I'm actually excited that it won't shrink or distort in proportion when I wash and dry it. Now if I can just find about 6 more just like this . . .

Disney: Princess Ring Soaps - $6.99

Look at these! Aren't they great? My boys probably wouldn't be so excited about these soaps, but the girls traveling with (ages 8 and 5) are going to LOVE them. They are clear bars of soap with no scent and as you use them up, there is a Princess ring in the center of each of them. These Disney Princess Ring Soaps are available for $6.99 from  OnevaKindDeltaDesign   on Etsy.

TV Toons To Go {Giveaway}

Disney cruise? Exciting A week of free childcare? Heaven A break from reality? Needed desperately Five hours in a car with two boys beside themselves giddy about vacation? Possibly torturous. That's why I am thrilled to have received a copy of Millcreek Entertainment's TV Toons to Go . This amazing set of over 100 episodes and 40 hours of entertainment has a whole host of shows my boys love: Busytown Mysteries Johnny Test Busy World of Richard Scarry Horseland  The Littles Postcards from Buster and more! One of my favorite features is that it comes in a hard metal case so that it can be stepped on, thrown, kicked, shoved and whatever other punishment my boys afflict on things that disappear into the backseat of our van. This set of DVDs should remain intact . . . as long as Momma can keep them inside their case. You can purchase this set of DVDs for under $30 on Amazon right now, or you can enter this giveaway to try to win yourself a s

Extravagantly . . . A Personal Post

There haven't been many personal posts from me in quite some time. I find I can't schedule them; I simply have to wait until it comes pouring from my emotions through my brain and into my fingertips. Apparently today, I have something to say. I've been reading a really challenging book with an unusual title. Brace yourself - it's God and Boobs by Angie Schuller-Wyatt . Yep, Schuller, as in Robert Schuller of the Crystal Cathedral. It's written by his granddaughter. I was a little wary when I received a copy to review. Honestly I was afraid it was going to be irreverent at best and unbiblical at worst. But I haven't found that to be true. In fact, I've been very surprised to find it challenging and encouraging of me as a believer and as a woman - fully and completely, a woman. One of the things that it mentioned is how often we misinterpret the verse " Guard your heart for out of it are all the issues of life ." Growing up this verse was use

Exciting Things Coming . . .

So, my blog has definitely taken a back seat for the last few months or so and it's time for that to change. We are completely, ridiculously, overwhelmingly planning for our upcoming Disney cruise with our kids. Personally, I think I feel like I should keep myself busy so I don't have time to wonder about how vacation and kids can go in the same sentence . . . but it's been fun and we have found great deals along the way, as well as some unique, handmade items that might not be quite bargains. Here's a quick preview of some of the things to come in the next few weeks -