About Me . . .

Welcome to MelissaStuff!

Want to save money? Get FREE stuff? Figure out how you can find the "extra" money to be able to help others? Then this is the perfect place for you. Grab a drink, kick off  your shoes and let's chat.

You can save a significant amount of money starting today by following a few simple steps. Just start where you are and add in what you can, when you can. No one person has to do it all.

Then find something you have a passion for and set aside a portion (or ALL) of what you are saving to give to that cause. There are a ton of worthy causes out there and I do my best to highlight many of them.

Some of you will find that in the first month you will save $10. That could feed a child in Africa. It could help a woman who was raped give birth in a clean facility with loving attention. It might rescue a girl from being trafficked for sex.

Some of you will save $400 - I actually had someone write me and tell me that's what happened with them. They chose to donate the money to a crisis pregnancy center in their local community.

I started this blog as an outlet for me to just write whatever. But in late 2009 I started sending my friends email blasts about the latest deals I had found. Eventually the list grew so large and the emails so frequent, that my email server started shutting my account down. Knowing I had to do something different, I moved my "deals" to my previously personal blog.

Since then the blog has steadily grown and gained a larger audience in the blogdom arena. I have begun to do reviews and giveaways, in addition to continuing to post deals and the occasional personal post. A lot of lives could be changed with $400.

And . . . it's fun! We have a good time around here and enjoy every minute of saving money so that we can make room for someone else in our budget.

As far as me personally - I am mommy to three boys who keep me VERY busy. I am married to my best friend who I never seem to get enough alone time with. I have a Creative Writing degree and a Master's Degree in Youth Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary. I enjoy being with teenagers and (maybe naively) can't wait until my boys are teens. I have worked in advertising sales for the last several years and enjoy connecting customers with merchants they might not otherwise know about.

I enjoy hearing from my readers so feel free to shoot me an email any time - melissastuffblog@gmail.com.

It's nice to "meet" you!

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