The UPS Guy

I’m not that kind of girl, but if I was, the UPS guy and I could have a thing. He visits my house ALL the time and I just get giddy when I see him pull up. He knows just how to push my button and the gifts he brings me are awesome.

The problem is – besides the fact that I’m not that kind of girl – that half the time it’s actually the Fed Ex guy who comes. Although sometimes they both come. And the Fed Ex guy actually happens to be a girl.

I think I’m going to have to just end this now awkward analogy.

But this is what the UPS guy brought me today . . .


Now do you see why I love him?

. . . and I might just help you fall in love with your mail carrier too. Subscribe to my feed so you don’t miss out on any AWESOME giveaways in the near future!


  1. I could fall in love with those boots too! CUTE!!

  2. Those boots are AMAZING!! I also have a bit of a rapport with my UPS guy...when he came today, hubby said "your boyfriend's here"...UPS Guy turned every shade of red you can imagine...I laughed so hard!!

  3. Whoa, I feel another green-eyed monster thingy trying to jump out again. Got to push it back in. Get back Envy Monster, Get back in now!
    Wow, that was close, it nearly went through the computer screen to grab your boots and take off with them.
    I really like my regular UPS guy, the fill-in ones are okay, but the regular one knows to just knock on the door and leave it on my doorstep because I don't want to open the screen door with the dogs trying to get out. I wait til the UPS guy is gone before I even try to retrieve the package on the step.
    If I need to sign for something he'll wait until I go out through the garage door instead of the front door to sign. I can keep the dogs from following out that door, but not out through the front.


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