Next Step - Expert Answers?

Trying to find answers on cancer treatment was actually much less simple than I anticipated.

Clearly there are great things about each of the locations we were considering - Cancer Treatment Centers, Mayo Clinics, and MD Anderson. Many people have had good results at each of these places.

The bottom line is that on Monday, April 8, we will be going down to MD Anderson's Cancer Research department to meet with the premiere thyroid cancer expert - Dr. Steve Sherman. He is going to re-examine all of the test results and scans, including the pathology of the cancer tissue originally removed.

They have told us to hold our return date loosely. I'm personally feeling like there won't be any emergency treatment necessary, so we will be coming home and then possibly going back as needed for follow up.

There are still a lot of unknowns - there could be drug trials . . . waiting and additional scans . . . even a stint at Cancer Treatment Center if there is sufficient cause. But we just won't know anything else until after April 8th.

So, here's to April 8th, taking the next step, and, hopefully, expert answers.


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