
Showing posts from February, 2019

Recommendations . . . On, ummm, Cancer Treatments?

Some of you have been tracking through every step, some of you are just wondering what weirdo asks for cancer treatment recommendations. So, in an effort to get us all in the same page, here’s a recap: I have been battling thyroid cancer now since December 2017. Thyroid cancer  is typically a pretty simple diagnosis and treatment leading to full remission. However, my situation has not been so simple. I have a B-RAF gene mutation that makes it more aggressive and less responsive to treatment. All original tests led doctors  to believe that I had a singular node that needed to be removed in December 2017. When they actually opened me up, they had to do a full thyroidectomy and remove the metastasis in five lymph nodes including one that had become it’s own tumor, growing outside the bounds of its original space. They stopped short of removing all cancerous tissue because some of   it was too close to my carotid artery. Following that, they did a round of I-131 radiation, w