
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Other Side

I have to admit I was a little surprised by the wide range of response to my last post. I think there may have been some confusion . . . And maybe some didn’t read to the end. Here’s the summary of what I was actually attempting to communicate: Even though I’m on an amazing trip, we had an ugly encounter that caused us to miss a significant event.  As I thought about how angry I was over the way it was handled, it caused a whole host of angry emotions to flood through. Many of them that had been held back for quite some time.  Not the least of which is I have a callback visit scheduled in just a couple of days after I went and had a mammogram done at the beginning of March.  I don’t plan on taking back any part of what I said in that post. It was the truth - maybe a little raw, maybe jaded, maybe even somewhat self-centered - but it was exactly how I felt in that moment. However, it is not the whole truth about the trip we took, and I feel it is only fair to make sure all

Keeping It Real

Yesterday, I was pissed.  Yes, I’m on vacation in Italy. Yes, I’m here because my business has done very well this last year.  Yes, I felt well enough to make this trip and, a little over a month ago, I wasn’t even getting out of bed every day of the week. But, yesterday, it all came slamming down at the same time, and I was pissed. The kind of fury that has been held back so long that when it comes pouring out, you feel it coursing through not only your eyes and your mouth, but your ears, your heart, your skin, your scalp. It’s scathing, and you hope no one you love happens to intersect with you in those moments because the likelihood of them avoiding becoming the object of that blind fury is almost non-existent.   How I came about being pissed yesterday specifically won’t seem as traumatic to you as it felt to me . . . We booked a tour through an independent, highly-rated tour group. We were to take Fiats out into the Tuscan countryside and visit some of the va