
Showing posts from April, 2016

Look What I Found: Super League Gaming Discount!

I can't even tell my boys about this because they will talk of NOTHING else until this arrives . . . and then maybe NOTHING else again until they find out if they can do it again. I don't know if you knew this . . . but you can now play Minecraft in a movie theater! Gamers of all ages will be super excited about this opportunity to participate in this fun, face-to-face social experience. Using the big screen, kids will have a chance to implement superhero-themed maps and mods in a custom Minecraft adventure, Rise of Heroes. Just bring a laptop with Minecraft 1.9.2 installed. You will be able to play first person on your computer and then connect wirelessly to the Super League server which will put you and everyone else's gameplay up on the big screen. Parents and siblings can attend for FREE and cheer on their favorite gamer. Your gamer will be able to collaborate and team up with 4-7 other members their own age as they create their own worlds, fight ag