2015 Christmas Gift Guide: Item #4 - BOOKS!

Books . . . Books . . . Books . . . Everyone in my house (except my poor, sad husband) LOVES books. So in our opinion, you can't ever go wrong by giving books as a gift. But you do want to make sure you give a good book because bad books are, well, BAD.

So here are some recommendations for this Christmas season:

 Rick Brick and the Quest to Save Brickport: An Unofficial LEGO Novel
$7.99 (as of 11/11/2015)

This books tells of a brave LEGO man who shows courage and is willing to help his friends. I love that it teaches lessons that are really important for kids to learn. Rick Brick is an architect who remembers when the city of Brickport was gleaming and prosperous. Now his city is crumbling under corruption, poverty, and crime. But Rick has a chance to find the Golden Brick and bring back the good. Can he do it or will Brickport be permanently destroyed?

Find out with this perfect book for reluctant readers who love everything LEGO-related.

Belly Laugh Jokes for Kids: 350 Hilarious Jokes
$9.99 (as of 11/11/2015)

Belly Laugh Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids: 350 Hilarious Knock-Knock Jokes
$9.99 (as of 11/11/2015)

Are your kids like mine? They desperately want to be funny, but their limited ability to come up with their own jokes leads to some hard-to-make-yourself-laugh moments. These two books will keep your kids busy and teach them some really funny jokes to share with others.

Each book has 350 jokes in it, and {beware} a button that laughs in the most obnoxious way when it's pressed. I just might conveniently figure out how to have those batteries "die."

Be prepared for the cheesy, puns in these books. They will make you groan, but they will at least make sense, which is better than the regular jokes.

Examples of the jokes include:

Why can't your nose be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot!

Make Me: A Jack Reacher Novel
$16.28 (as of 11/11/2015)

I'm a huge Jack Reacher fan. It's fast-paced, adventurous story lines with an extremely likable main character. The series has spent months on the New York Times best-seller list.

The story lines are always thrilling, and I never want to put the books down. I've rolled through the first 20 books in the series and would be glad for the 21st to come out tomorrow!

If you have a reader on your list, this is a series you should get them started on.

A.D. 33: A Novel (AD)
$11.99 (as of 11/11/2015)

Another New York Times best-selling author, Ted Dekker writes spell-binding books.

This books is a historical fiction set at the time of Christ, just around his death. Mariah, the main character, is born illegitimate and unwanted, relegated to being a slave because of it. Then she meets Yeshua. He opens her eyes to the truth. She begins to travel, drawing a group of followers herself, powerfully moving them with her words and example.

Her impact is so strong that she threatens the powers of the day who are determined to put her back in her position of slavery. Her only hope is Yeshua . . . but he is facing his own death.

I haven't had the chance to read this one yet, myself, and I can't wait. Ted Dekker always does a great job in his books.

Don't forget to sign up for your FREE month of Amazon Prime so that you can get these deals shipped for FREE without having to accrue a $35 purchase each time.


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