Getting Ready for the Big Game . . .

I don't know about your house but my house - full right now with 6 boys from the ages of 3 to 31 and me - is buzzing about the upcoming Super Bowl.

We have made all kinds of plans about what foods we want to make and cook and how we will celebrate. But for our kids we will definitely be cooking up some Red Baron pizzas. Red Baron sent us a selection of coupons for FREE Red Baron items.

When I went to the grocery store, I assumed I would be purchasing an entire slew of pizzas because that's all I knew Red Baron made. But I was pleasantly surprised to find that they sell something called Pizza & Sides - one with chicken wings and one with cheese sticks. Totally simplifies my party purchases right there!

Each time we make Red Baron Pizza in my house, every slice is gone before the meal is over and I can guarantee Super Bowl Sunday will go the exact same way.

What are you serving for your Super Bowl Party?


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