Yes, I Am! My 24 Day Advocare Challenge

Yesterday, I started the 24 Day Advocare Challenge yesterday. Our Disney cruise is coming in almost exactly one month so the timing couldn't be any better.

After slacking for months and then having surgery and then recovering for several months, I've been working out 2-4 times a week since May. I've lost about 10 lbs. and definitely gotten some stamina and some muscle mass back. But I still have a ways to go and I just haven't been making progress very quickly.

So when I was approached about doing this Advocare Challenge by WWW.ADVOCAREHEATH.COM, I was all over it!

This is how my first few days are going typically:

First thing in the morning, I start with Spark - Advocare's energy drink. It tastes good, has ZERO sugar and works well. It comes in little powder packs that are easy to take with you and use anywhere.

Then I have to take the Herbal Cleanse - Fiber Drink. Now I should probably stop here a minute to say I have some fairly serious consistency and flavor issues - it makes me for real gag. So you have to take that into consideration when you hear me say, that I struggle with this crazy fiber drink. It's a thick grainy substance that you mix into water. It doesn't actually taste bad but the consistency is tough for me. I did fine the first day choking it down . . . this morning I actually gagged and had to force myself to finish. I think I let it sit too long and it settled towards the bottom which is what got me. The best news is that you only take this fiber drink the first three days and the last three days. Hopefully that means even I can choke it down that many times.

For breakfast I have the option of doing a Meal Replacement Shake. The fiber drink makes me so full though on top of the Spark that I'm not really hungry enough for a whole shake. A banana or a granola bar has been more than enough.

Lunch is typical - healthy protein in proper serving size, complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.

Water, water, and more water.

I usually get hungry mid-afternoon so my default has been a piece of fruit.

Then in the evenings, dinner is the same general rules as lunch. You also take Omegaplex Fatty Acids.

Right before bed, you take a couple of Herbal Cleanse Tablets. These are MUCH easier to handle than the drink and I wish I could take these every time.

I weighed so I have a base weight and I ran 3 miles and lifted weights both of the first two days . . . I'll let you know how it goes. So far, so good.

Have any of you ever done this? Would you be willing to try it out? If you're interested you can visit the website or call 972-412-1525 to learn more.


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