Advocare - 24 Day Challenge: Week One Results

I started the Advocare 24 Day Challenge just a little over a week ago now. (You can read all about the beginning of this journey here.)

After the first three days with the Herbal Cleanse - Fiber Drink,  I didn't have to do that anymore. Thank goodness. That was the only part that was really difficult for me. On the flip side, I've become a fan of Spark - Advocare's energy drink.

I have to be completely honest - you know, cuz that's how I roll - overall I've tried to do well with my diet and I think I have. But there have been a couple of lapses . . . a coke here and maybe a piece of homemade cheesecake my honey brought home special for me. But I've also gone to the gym more days than not - run my 3 miles, lifted my weights, you know.

So my report at the end of the first week is that I'm 6 lbs down. I know - that's a lot. I think it may have been a lot of water weight after being out of town Labor Day weekend just before starting the challenge. I ate and drank everything and anything I wanted so that probably plays a role in this weight loss, but still 6 lbs is really good no matter how you look at it.

Starting in on my second week - get back to you on that soon.


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