
Showing posts from August, 2013

Guess What Got Dropped Off at My House? #Toyota

Tell me that's not one good-looking truck right there! And it looks pretty darn good in MY driveway if I do say so myself. Toyota has been gracious enough to loan me this 2013 Tundra to drive for the week. My boys and I have already tried it out going to school and they begged me to keep driving it - even though our family vehicle is barely a month old and has all the bells and whistles three little boys could want.  So I know they're going to be excited about taking it on our Labor Day road trip this weekend.  While we're waiting for all that - you can check out all of the new Toyota vehicles available on their site right now.

It's That Time Again . . . Tips for Shopping Kid's Consignment

Consignment! And next week one of the big ones opens here in the Allen/McKinney area. In fact, I can't tell you how excited I am that they invited me to come shop early and try out the sale. I can't wait to share with you what I find. The Courtyard Marriott in Allen 210 E Stacy Rd September 6 - 8, 2013 If you don't shop consignment, you're missing one of the best ways around to save money on your child's wardrobe . . . and even Christmas.  While my children were small, I shopped consignment almost exclusively. I could get the best brands and the cutest, trendiest clothing for dirt cheap.  Here are my top recommendations for successfully shopping a kid's consignment sale.  #1 - Know what sizes your kids are currently wearing and will soon be wearing This was a little easier for me because I have three boys very close in age, so if it was a bit too small or big I could pass it on to a different child. Put the sizes in your phone - sh

Now You Can BID on Spa Services!!

Love spa treatments? Love saving money? DealWell gave me the chance to try out their services . . . it's definitely a site you need to check out. At , you can search your area for participating merchants - from chiropractors to LASIK surgeons to spas - and then you bid on their services. (Even if you're not crazy about the bidding idea, they already offer discounted rates off the bat.) I tried it out for the first time today and it was super easy. I booked a $75 Facial at Skinplicity Skin Spa for just $49 . . . makes you wonder how much lower the price could have gone, right? Well, when you use the promo code MELISSA  you will get an extra $10 off your first purchase! Totally worth trying out.


This is an OLD "note" of mine from before the days of this blog. Found it today and thought it was worth re-posting. I may do this from time to time with some of my older writings; it's kind of fun. Matthew 7:1-6 “Do not judge so that you will not be judged.  2 “For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.  3 “Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?  4 “Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ and behold, the log is in your own eye?  5 “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.  6 “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.  Okay, so I've been pondering (meditating on . . . whatever you want to call i

Travel Jewelry Box #Giveaway - ENDS 8/24/13

Because I have a crazy best friend, I have WAY overplanned my Disney cruise. Each day has a theme and a corresponding outfit that matches. And, of course, you can't have complete outfits without finding jewelry to coordinate with them. For this girl who rarely wears anything but her wedding ring, that means A LOT more jewelry than I'm used to. I wasn't sure how I was going to safely get it all to the cruise and back . . . until I came across these amazing travel jewelry boxes . They're the perfect solution! And look at this - if your husband is equally obsessive about his jewelry and watches . . . come on now, you know some of them are . . . they actually have a version for guys -  Dual Level Faux Leather Jewelry Case. If you like it as much as I do, you can enter below to win your very own Rowling Travel Jewelry Box . The one unusual part of this giveaway is that we have to have a minimum of 50 people enter in order for the winner to receive this cool j

Get Ready for School with Customized School, Sports Team or Children's Name Items

Plum District has a great offer today for an online store called  SpiritShop .com . They allow you to customize an array of products with your schools logo and colors, your child's sports team, or even just the family name so you can wear it to everything! The best part is that the Plum District offer gives you 50% off . You're going to be glad because once you get in there and start looking and creating things, you're going to want to buy one of everything. I mean how adorable would this tank top be? I'm tempted to just put "Carlisle" at the top and it be my shirt that I wear to all of their events. Hurry, though, since it's a Plum District offer, it's limited time availability. Share this with all of your friends from school and see who came up with the best shirt at the next football game!

Win a School Days Activity Kit - Great Way to Start School!

The first day of school is such a rush. You need to remember exactly what time to set the alarm, exactly when the bus is coming, and exactly what to pack for lunch. Wouldn't it be great to take one moment to just pause during the first day rush? Hallmark has come up with a way to do just that. Hallmark created the Pics ‘N’ Props School Days Activity Kit . The kit comes with a chalkboard your child can hold, with cards that read each grade level, from pre-school to graduation. You can take one photo on the first day of school each year, then place it in the accompanying album. You can also fill out a card that summarizes your child's school year with things from teachers' names to friends' names. This is such a sweet way to look back on your child's education. Over at Living Frugal with Erika, they had the chance to review the awesome and adorable Pics 'N' Props School Days Kit. MelissaStuff is joining with Living Frugal with Erika to give away thi

Be On the Look Out . . .

There's a great giveaway in the works - the Ultimate Back to School Bash! Soon you'll be able to enter right here from the MelissaStuff Blog, so keep an eye out. I would love for one of you to win.