Van A/C Went Out and My Washer Broke This Week . . .

Ugh, when it rains, it pours, as they say.

This week the air conditioning in my van started being temperamental . . . and then completely went out on a one-hour drive across town. On the day that it was 102 outside. Yep, that's my luck right there.

Then I was working on household chores trying to get caught up when I thought I heard my children causing a terrible ruckus in the other room. Of course, I charged in ready to put someone in their place when I realized the noise was coming from the laundry room and not the upstairs area. It was my washing machine - on the spin cycle, but not spinning. Instead there was some sort of loud rattling noise. So with a load full of white clothes and bleach water, my washing machine was officially broken. I had to wring out the clothes by hand to get them into the dryer. 


Don't you wish there was an easy, simple fix when this kind of thing happens. What do you do?

I typically:
  • get really aggravated at being put out
  • gripe to my husband
  • hope my husband's handy man skills will save the day
  • thank God for a bunch of rain and a pile of clean clothes
  • start looking for replacements
Not such a fun process though, most definitely when it happens twice in the same week.
But today I was contacted by a company that could very well alleviate these concerns on the household appliance side of things. I was offered a 6 month trial of Equity Lock in order to review it for you . . . couldn't have been better timing!

Equity Lock provides you with a safeguard good for up to $50,000 on the value of your property and ensures your six most essential appliances are protected, including:

  • washer
  • dryer
  • refrigerator
  • microwave
  • dishwasher
  • range/oven/cooktop
Each of your appliances will be covered - to be repaired if possible or replaced (up to $1,500 per 12-month period).  There is a $50 service fee per call, but that's a a steal when you start thinking about trying to get any one of those items fixed or replaced.

I'm thrilled to be able to test out their service with a FREE 6 month subscription . . . and I'm even more thrilled to tell you that they have offered to give away another 6 months to one of YOU! Click through below . . .



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