What's Your Plan for . . . ?
This post was sponsored by Instagrad. It contains my honest opinions of this service. Someone asked me yesterday how in the world I anticipate paying for three children to go to college . . . and I realized, I don't have a plan for that. I guess I assumed over time our finances would eventually grow to the point that we could pay a significant chunk. And then there's scholarships and if needed student loans. But I don't have any savings plan. But I was introduced to Instagrad recently and realized there was an easier way to purposely save for their college education. Accelerate your child’s college savings! Find money . . . it could be hiding in your garage or attic! As parents, we frequently get tired of our kids receiving the same gifts over and over again. Instead of another toy or an outfit your child won't ever wear, you can use Instagrad as your personal fundraiser to help you accrue funds for their college. They even have carefully crafted...