Book Tour: Lynn Rush's Wasteland Trilogy

As part of the tour, Lynn Rush is providing a free copy of her short story, Prelude to Darkness. Follow the link for your FREE copy of the prequel to the Wasteland Trilogy

I love to read . . . and forever have a stack of books waiting for me to get to them. But when I was approached about participating in the Wasteland Trilogy book tour, I was eager to see what this book genre was like. These books are paranormal romance novels - that means if you were a fan of tv shows like Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Angel, or Charmed you will be right at home with these books.

My husband will tell you - so I guess I might as well confess - that those are all right up my alley. I could spend long hours in front of the television wrapped up in the ridiculous drama of Charmed and all of the angels, guardians, and dark figures in their storyline.

I'm just a few chapters in to the Wasteland Trilogy series, but so far I am quite drawn to the way they are written and the same ethereal characters. These books are not for pre-teens or even young teenagers as there is sensuality, language and alcohol in the storyline. But I'm excited about this series and headed right back to my book . . . so I want to hurry.

If you're interested in Wasteland, you can purchase it through Amazon:


And the other two books in the trilogy can be purchased at


  1. Thanks for hosting me today!!! I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far. So, you liked Charmed, too, huh? Gosh, that show just ROCKED! Who was your favorite character?? :)

    1. Hmm, it would probably have to be Cole Turner which may be why I am drawn to your main character right off the bat. ;) I also loved Leo on the flip side of the coin. It was seriously one of those series that made me feel like i had lost friends when it ended. Wow, I can't believe I just said that. LOL

    2. COLE!!!! I loved him, too. So deliciously evil.... :) I know what you mean about losing a friend when the series ended!!! :)


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