A New Year

I'm in Waco this weekend celebrating a belated Christmas with my husband's family. Today, we sang this song in church as a special:


I would have posted the video of us actually singing, but that would be more of a distraction than anything. (Trust me!)

Then the pastor preached a message on some Scriptural suggestions for your New Year's resolutions. His main points were:

1. Establish correct priorities.
2. Ask God for forgiveness for your mistakes.
3. Let go of grudges.
4. Restore relationships.

We didn't have a clue that the message would be on those topics when we chose the song to sing. In fact, we actually chose that song because the grandkids LOVE it and know all the words. It was incredible to have three generations singing those words together. It's a reminder to us - a reminder we need.

One of the blogs I read posted a recap of her year and where she feels like she is at personally. I was challenged and thought I would share my own version with you.

I am a lover, but I am a fighter, too. I am a mother to three boys and I am a professional who feels more at home brokering a deal than trying to keep my house clean. Injustice drives me crazy; but underneath the tough shell and the hard exterior, most people would be surprised by my heart. I am known for speaking the truth (even frequently unpopular truths), but I truly desire to do it in love. Sometimes the way I handle things makes people uncomfortable, but I'm actually not bothered by that like you would expect. If being uncomfortable makes someone love better, challenges them to think differently, or keeps them from making the same mistake again then it's worth it. I want to feel devastated by the things that break God's heart; but I find the tiny part of that burden He's shared really hard to carry. All of this has led to crazy collisions in my life.

I am trying to learn to lean on the truths I know in my head but struggle with in my heart. God is always good. His ways are not my ways. His timing is always right. He is not interested in my comfort, but in my character.

What will 2012 hold? I don't know. And I fear that if I did, I wouldn't have the courage to move forward for tomorrow. Or maybe I would be so excited about what happens next month or next fall or next Christmas, that I would never be able to enjoy the day I have been given.

So, for now, I plan to follow this advice:

Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching out for the things that are still to come. 
Phillipians 3:13


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