What I Got: Personalized Coozies for Sippy Cups


$15 for $30 in Products from Kidzies (+ FREE Shipping)

Plum District has this fun offer today – I was able to get a coozie for each of my boys with their names on it. (I am never able to pick up the cups with their names on it in the store; after all, I’m looking for a Riley, Colt and Weston.) They were just $6 each. Super excited about it because we have found lately that I am having a hard time keeping all three boys cups separate and with all the sickness, I’d prefer to minimize the germ sharing when possible.

And I still had enough credit left to get a personalized, neoprene pencil bag for my oldest. Now that we’re pulling him out of the kindergarten he was in and doing some real life skills learning with his retired-principal Poppa for a semester, he needs different school supplies than what he had at the beginning of the year.

Shipping is FREE, but not guaranteed in time for Christmas.

If you are a returning Plum District customer, please use this link so that MelissaStuff is credited with referring your purchase.


  1. how adorable!!! i kind of want one for myself. LOL.

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