The Facts: A SaveMore Warning

SaveMore Daily DealsWith all the deals I bring you, there are inevitably some issues. Companies don’t always hold up their end of the bargain, and I do my best to let you know when that is true and to help you get it rectified.

So, in the effort to fully disclose everything I know about some of the companies I post about, I want you to know that SaveMore is having some serious customer service issues. Items aren’t arriving. Emails, phone calls and Facebook posts have been ignored. Some of the stores that are supposed to be fulfilling orders have simply shut down and disappeared overnight.

In all fairness, I have bought no less than 20 different vouchers from SaveMore and have yet to have an issue that was not rectified. I have had some issues – including a site that couldn’t get it’s stuff together and kept sending me the wrong item and another site that charged shipping that made the “deal” not so good anymore. Both times my money was refunded, although it did take a bit to get a response from SaveMore.

SaveMore offers good deals – great deals sometimes. But I think they’ve quickly outgrown their framework and have not added the personnel to be able to keep up and maintain the level of customer service necessary to be successful in the competitive world of daily deal sites.

Whether or not you purchase from SaveMore in the future is up to you. I may post a deal here or there that I think is a great deal, from a reputable company that you can order online without having to deal with any of the common SaveMore issues. But I will always link back to this warning in each post so that you are aware that there are at times issues with SaveMore customer service.

What has your experience with SaveMore been like?

Here’s a link to the BBB rating for SaveMore. It is an F – the lowest possible rating.


  1. I ordered an item - a gift card for Auto Zone - from them over a month ago. I never received it and my calls to them went unreturned. I ended up filing a disputed with my bank over it because I was never able to contact anyone in customer service with SaveMore. I was really disappointed with their lack of customer service. I'm glad (for lack of a better word) to know I'm not the only one with this problem.

  2. AndiMac - Sorry to hear you are struggling. I think they are probably completely overwhelmed but that's still not an excuse and doesn't help you replaced that gift.

  3. We ordered three Target Gift cards and the 50 cards came with it and we received them with no problem though redeeming them took a day because the website to redeem them crashed. It took 2-3 weeks to ship them.

    I did buy a $5 for $10 subway gift card that I printed out, and the person at the one store had no idea how to honor it. I guess I need to try another store. It's just a printed paper with a bar code.

  4. That was the $50 gift cards - not 50 of them :)

  5. The subway voucher was an eversave deal actually...not savemore but thanks for the warning on savemore. My target cards worked fine. We redeemed them yesterday.

    What are your thoughts on

  6. I use - especially when they are heavily discounted like they are right now. But you just have to know going into it that they are really just high value coupons and NOT gift certificates in the traditional sense.

    You can read more about what I think in this post -


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