Did You See ABC World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer?

If you did, you would have noticed they talked about one of my favorite worthy causesReece’s Rainbow! There was a lengthy story about a family from Utah who recently traveled all the way to the Ukraine to adopt a little 4 year old girl with Down’s Syndrome. If you didn’t catch it on tv, you can get some of the coverage on ABC’s website.

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I was also interested to see that they mentioned another local adoption/orphan care ministry from the Ukraine – Bible Orphan Ministries. Bible Orphan Ministries is run by people who were once orphans themselves.

They visit these orphanages and asylums to bring love and hope to these children. And they also try to meet their physical needs. Oranges, balls, clothes, mattresses . . . just the basic necessities of life that are not readily available to these forgotten precious little ones.

Being thousands of miles away, we obviously can’t donate those items directly. (Although if we could, I know exactly where all my extras from bargain shopping would be going.) But we can give, so that these people who do see and love these kids as much as possible can provide for the most urgent needs as they present themselves.

As we head into the last few days of 2011 – and the last few days to make tax deductible donations for the year, as well, I might add – I would ask that you consider if this might be the worthy cause that you should support with your savings. Because every child deserves to feel like they matter.


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