Bouari Update

So I’m about 10 days into this now and some of it is becoming easy and some not so much.

I haven’t weighed. We actually don’t even own a scale in our home, but I think I’ve lost some more weight or inches because my clothes seem to be a bit loser and all of the sudden I’m getting comments every time I turn around about how much weight I’ve lost.

However, I will say the struggle for me has been the food part of this diet. I have an easy time with taking the spray in the mornings and evenings. The appetite suppressant works well and gives me extra energy. But there’s no official diet plan and definitely not prepackaged foods or anything so I’m having a really hard time figuring out how to gauge how many calories I’ve eaten or if I can eat something else. And then there are all the blogging events that happen – which generally food and drinks that I’m supposed to consume and then blog about it!

I’m afraid I’m eating way over the recommended 600-800 calories a day. Because I had already reached so much of my weight loss goal before beginning this plan, they told me I didn’t have to follow it as religiously as someone who was brand new to weight loss and looking to lose 50-100 pounds. But I also don’t want to be so laid back that it doesn’t illustrate the effectiveness of the product.

Next week I go for a checkup and weigh in so I’ll let you know what they tell me then. I seriously think this stuff is working though, even if I’m not very good at following directions!


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