A Personal Worthy Cause

Often I bring to you worthy causes that have touched my life through various ways – an online friend who is adopting, a couple I’ve read about who works in a specific ministry, a charity raising money to do something valuable. But today, the worthy cause that I am going to share is personal – because these are my friends!

That chick right there – her name is Mitzi and she’s absolutely precious. I can’t tell you how many times we have laughed over how similar her husband Shane and my husband Joey are. And then remembered those quirks are exactly why we both fell in love with them. He is an incredible man who loves Jesus and his family and has a heart for the needy.
That little boy with the soccer ball? Well, Riley will tell you that’s Z – his “best friend.” He is smart as a whip, kind, protective of his siblings and will fight for what he thinks is right. Oh, and he’s a Star Wars nut! I wish Riley had been able to spend more time with Z and had that "kind” party rub off a little more.
The little girl is KG. She has the best cheeks in the world. They’d be perfect for grabbing and squeezing, except she also has a sassy little personality and a gruff little voice that will definitely let you know when to keep your distance.
And E – he’s their son from Ethiopia. He had been home with them in the States for just over a year when they left for Zambia. They arrived there this week.
As they prepared for this trip, my heart ached for them. So much change. So much separation from loved ones. So much packing and cleaning and driving and flying. I could only hurt for Mitzi as she faced what looked like an insurmountable mountain of challenges between her and getting her family safely and securely to Zambia.
Today, she posted this on her blog:
By the way, in case you’re wondering, her children are out in the strawberry fields of the Lifesong Farm picking fresh strawberries and eating them!
That farm is a part of this important philosophy at Lifesong:
"Simply giving this person money is treating the symptoms rather than the underlying disease and will enable him to continue with his lack of self-discipline... a better solution would be to develop a relationship that says, we are here to walk with you and to help you use your gifts and abilities to avoid being in this situation in the future'" (An excerpt from the book, When Helping Hurts)
My friends – along with the Lifesong team - are serving the people of Zambia . . . the orphaned, the at-risk, and the poor . . . by utilizing the land that is, like the people, so full of potential.
Lifesong farms-Zambia reaped its first strawberry harvest in June, and local grocers have been purchasing the berries. With additional acres to farm, they hope to process some of the berries and begin marketing Lifesong Farms Strawberry Jam. When Mitzi had to clean out her cabinets before her move, we became the beneficiaries of some of her homemade jelly and canned goods. I can just see her in there with them canning and preserving!
By harvesting fruit, Lifesong is able to serve more orphans by providing the gift of a job at Lifesong's gardens and self worth to an orphan's caregiver. They are also able to provide future employment for the kids there as they transition into adult living, develop a system to raise funds to help cover operational costs, and develop expertise that can be replicated in multiple countries where Lifesong serves.


In August of next year, we plan to take our boys and go to South Africa – where we previously visited – and Zambia. I want my boys to know that there is a world out there beyond American schools, t-ball games, and Wii. A part of our hearts now lives in Africa and seems only right to go and serve with them (and do some loving on them too!)

If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation to fund our trip or provide some needed items to the people in either South Africa or Zambia, we will have some opportunities for that over the next year.

But right now, if you would like to partner with Lifesong and the McBride family you can find all the information to do that right here. You can also follow along as they take this incredible adventure with God and three little ones in the heart of Africa on Mitzi’s blog – He Makes Beautiful Things. Just a warning, she will make you laugh and she will make you cry, but you will walk away from their story different.


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