My One and Only


Every year we have two birthdays that are only two days apart . . . my biggest boy and my oldest boy husband. Today is my sweet hubbies birthday. Unfortunately with the flu invading our house, our plans got cancelled and we have had to move to Plan B – eating lots of fast food, watching tv and playing the Wii. But those things are all up Joey’s alley so I haven’t heard too many complaints.


With the help of my mom and the boys, we decorated a little bit, had a cake and opened some presents. We’re going to order PF Chang’s and enjoy a movie through Amazon and Tivo here in a second, I think.

I know you that read the blog and don’t know me IRL won’t know this, but my husband and I have a strong relationship . . . a passionate relationship . . . and sometimes a contentious relationship. We are both strong-willed, independent and frequently pulling in two different directions. But he is my best friend. He is the one I run to with my happiest moments and my most frustrating moments. Even when he can’t identify or doesn’t understand how I feel, I find myself trying over and over to figure out a way to explain it to him. It’s important to me to share life with him – all of it, the good and the bad.

Today, I am glad to say we have “celebrated” together all day. LOL Hopefully, there will be many more birthdays and celebrations in the future, but for now I need to get off the computer and go spend the rest of this one with him.



  1. Glad to know it was just the FLU that was the reason we didn't get a birthday party invite and nothing else! :)


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