
Maybe it’s a bit silly, but I am thankful that after 7 years of marriage, I still miss my hubby after just one or two days! He truly is my best friend and the buddy that I would choose to take with me on all of my adventures . . . except scrapbooking and probably shopping.

We drove all day today. I was worried this morning because Weston’s eyes were really nasty. Called our pediatrician’s office. Paid extra for an after hours call since it was Sunday. Only reached a random nurse that knew nothing about our family  and who wasn’t helpful. She just said that they couldn’t help me if they couldn’t see the child. Why is there is an answering service if this is going to be their pat answer? Just put it on your voicemail and save some money!!

Anyway, we went on with our trip and tried my mother’s advice – she was an ophthalmic nurse for 10 years. She advised to clean it well and using clean hands apply over the counter antibiotic cream to his eyes. I did it at bedtime last night and again first thing this morning. By tonight, his eyes had stopped watering and oozing (sorry, I know that’s just GROSS!)

So, I am feeling better about him and the prospect of having a pretty normal week once we all get to our destination.

Tomorrow, Joey and Colt will fly in and meet us. Then we will all drive on up to the actual house we are staying at. I will have a camera again once Joey arrives so you should be seeing pictures on these posts soon. Plus once we get to the house we will have Wi-Fi and I will be able to post the last minute deals you need to get right here before Christmas.

Keep praying for us!


  1. Not silliness Melissa! It's beautiful that you still miss him. It shows that even though the love has grown and eveolved, you can still feel like a newly married couple that can hardly stand to be away from each other. I feel the same way about my hubby of almost 13 years.(P.S. Sending the prayers!!)


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