Home . . . Lovely Home


I’m sure some of you noticed that my posts about our trip just stopped.

There was a reason for that – actually several reasons for that.

#1 – It’s hard to type and hold a baby. It’s hard to do anything and hold a baby actually.

#2 – I can’t think when a baby is screaming.

#3 – In the rare moments when said baby was sleeping – between screaming – my oldest child needed breathing treatments for his asthma.

#4 – 7 adults, one teen, one preteen, two preschoolers and a baby in one house is chaos to the nth degree.

#5 – After several days of all of this, I wasn’t feeling so well.

#6 – I didn’t want to dampen your holiday spirit with all of my drama.

But now that it’s all over and we are home. Praise Jesus we are home! I will gladly catch you up on all the shenanigans of the second half of our trip.


My parents missed their plane on Wednesday out of Dallas. No biggie as they got on the next plane out, except for the fact that it put them driving that treacherous pass in the dark. Here is what a small part of it looked like when we drove through during the day:

I did a lot of praying and trying not to worry. They ended up driving about an hour in total darkness relying on the GPS to tell them which direction to turn to keep from running off the mountain! The next day we found out they had shut the pass completely just behind them.

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I was amazingly grateful to have them there safe and sound.

While the rest of us had waited for their arrival, Joey and my brother had actually cut down a Christmas tree for us . . . and we had used the meager decorations we had brought from home to decorate for Christmas.

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I personally think it looks a bit like a HUGE version of the Charlie Brown Christmas tree!

The next day we were supposed to drive back over the pass into Durango to take the boys on the “real” version of the Polar Express . . . but with the pass closed that wasn’t going to happen. (You can understand how hard this was for me since I had spent almost $600 for tickets for the group and there were no refunds!!)

Instead, we ate breakfast at a little place in Ouray and then loaded everyone up in two vehicles to drive an hour around the mountain to Telluride.

Here’s where my week got even better . . . if you follow me on Twitter, you know that when we left Texas Weston’s eyes were gross and his nose was running. I couldn’t get the pediatrician to call anything in so we used over-the-counter medicine and went on with the trip. His eyes got better, but his nose continued to run and my SUPER happy and laid back son began to scream.

At first, it was only after being in the car for several hours. So we thought he was sleepy. Then he started screaming a bit more often. And we thought he hated his car seat after living in it for a couple of days. Then we arrived at the house and he started screaming when we laid him down. I thought his schedule was jacked up.

But when we put him in the car for the ride to Telluride and he screamed . . . and screamed . . . and screamed, I didn’t know what was wrong. By this point, my nerves were shot. I couldn’t control any of the issues we were having and I don’t do screaming well in any context.

So I cried.

To Be Continued . . .


  1. Oh goodness, i would have been crying too! And probably screaming along with the baby!
    Thank goodness your home now and you have meds for his poor little ears.
    Happy New Year!

  2. It’s really a nice and helpful piece of information. I’m glad that you shared this helpful info with us. Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.


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