Coconut Pancakes?

Tropical Traditions

Lately I get packages several times a week. Normally, I tear into them and immediately try out the items I have received.

But there has been one exception. Tropical Traditions sent me some coconut oil, well it’s been weeks now. And I hadn’t used it. (I have food issues.)

It’s supposed to be used just like any other oil – canola, peanut, olive. But I couldn’t help but wonder if it was going to make whatever it was cooked in taste like coconut. It smells like coconut.

Finally, tonight my husband worked late so dinner fell to me alone. We’re a little low on options, so I thought I would pull out an old favorite – breakfast.

I couldn’t bring myself to cook the eggs in the coconut oil. So I used Pam, made the eggs and then decided that what could it hurt if I made the pancakes in coconut oil?!?! My boys would eat them even if they tasted of coconut.

The coconut oil comes in a rather large container (32 oz.) so I just opened the lid and poured some into the skillet. It looked and acted like regular oil, but smelled faintly like coconut. I cooked the first couple and let the boys have them. No weird faces or comments about the pancakes tasting different than normal. So then I tried one! It was great. Light and fluffy – no oily residue left on the bottom of the pancake or on my tongue. And, no coconut flavor at all, that I could tell!

I have officially been converted. I can’t wait to use the rest of the jar they sent me.

The story of how Tropical Traditions came about is kind of fascinating – basically as a family they began using an old method of harvesting coconut oil without using a machine or any additives. They naturally let it separate and then jarred it by hand.

The process by which it is made makes it a little more expensive than some oils that we use more commonly here in the States, but the health benefits for the coconut oil are immense. It is certified organic and contains no trans fatty acids. It is also high in lauric acid which boosts your immune system (it’s one of the main immunity boosters in breast milk).

You can use the coconut oil in any way that you use oil or butter now – baking, grilling, sauteeing, etc.

I know some of you are very concerned with eating as healthy as possible, this just might be a great addition or substitution to your grocery list!


  1. Darn, you like it...I was gonna say we would take's next on my list to buy and use.

  2. I love coconut oil for cooking and even use it for my skin! It's great!

    bee blessed

  3. That's great! Proud of you for taking the plunge. I was nervous about coconut oil too - I was allergic to it for many years, and still don't like the taste. Now I'm using it for sautéing veggies, fudge, whereever I can put it. Its so nutritious and satisfying!


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