A Newbie’s Guide to Aldi


Since I entered the world of bargain shopping and blogs, I have frequently seen references to a store called “Aldi.” I knew it existed in other parts of the country, but wasn’t anywhere near me so I took very little notice.

Well, Aldi has now arrived in the DFW Metroplex! This past Sunday a good friend took me with her and I braved my first trip to this unknown (and from what I heard, different) store. So I’m going to share with you the basics, so you can embrace Aldi like I now have.

First, make sure you bring a quarter. It’s the only way you can have a cart. You will get your quarter back when you return the cart at the end of your shopping trip.

Also, you need to know that Aldi does NOT take coupons. It’s kind of nice to go in somewhere and not have to worry about that ;)

Upon entering Aldi, the first thing that struck me was the it reminded me of a store my mother shopped in when I was little called Jewel T. It’s fairly small with probably 4 or 5 rows across, dairy across the back and frozen on one end.

You MUST bring your own bags or you may pick up empty boxes that you find as you shop.

The selection is limited, but what they have is priced well and available in bulk.

Always look for additional markdowns. We got some GREAT deals by doing just that.

Find a store near you.

Many of the items are Aldi’s store brand. Try them out in small increments. If you like them, then you can stock up. But you’re bound to find some things that you don’t care for.

Sample Prices:

Strawberries 1 lb. - $1
Blueberries - $1.50
Apple Juice 32 oz. – $1.19
Milk Gallon - $1.38
Eggs Dozen – $.88

All together, I couldn’t do 100% of my shopping at Aldi, but they have some unbeatable prices on certain items. I’ll probably try to go by once a month or so and stock up.


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