Blogmania Sponsor: Rockin Green Laundry Soap


Drum roll, please . . . our next Blogmania sponsor is Rockin Green Laundry Detergent.

Originally created for washing cloth diapers, Rockin Green is made with all natural ingredients and is eco-friendly. In addition, it cleans really well. I’m not so green that I can bring myself to go the cloth diaper route, but we have one child still putting the finishing touches on potty training so we have lots of clothing to wash. I have been using Rockin Green for the last few loads and I’m quickly becoming a fan.

We will be doing a giveaway as part of Blogmania for Rockin Green Laundry Soap (by the way, the soap is not electric green, just if you’re wondering.) Keep your eyes peeled. All of us mommies and daddies and grandparents or even broke, single folks can use laundry soap.


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