Restaurant Review: Babusan

Joey and I haven't had a chance to eat out much lately . . . both time and budget are pretty prohibitive. But while my boys were out of town and it was just and the baby, my parents offered to watch the baby long enough for us to go eat. Since it was a "treat" we decided to try something new - Bistro Babusan: Asian Fusion.

This new restaurant is located in the new shops at Fairview Village off of Stacy Rd. in Allen, Texas. For those of you that like Pei Wei and/or Genghis Grill, you will want to visit Babusan. The owners of  those two restaurants came together to create this new venture.

The food at Babusan is a blend of Asian and Indian cultures. You can get Chinese or curry . . . you can get edamame with spicy salts on top. The set up is much like Pei Wei - you can walk in and order at the counter and your food will be delivered to your table. Or you can sit in the bar section and have full service with a waiter.

Joey isn't big on Chinese food or Pei Wei and it's one of my favorite restaurants, so there is an ongoing discussion about how frequently we can eat there. Howeer, we both loved Babusan and plan to return.

The edamame with spicy salt was just enough "different" that neither of us was crazy about it. We would probably just order it with regular salt. We also tried the Thai fries - and they were GREAT! They have the same sort of salt on them as the edamame but it is much tastier on the fries.

For my entree I ordered the Mongolian BBQ . . . Joey thought it sounded like a horrible thing to order at an Asian restaurant. But he had to admit when it came to the table, that it was very good! The meat was served over rice and the sauce was tart and tangy.

Joey ordered the Pad Thai - he likes things spicy and the nice thing at Babusan is you can order the items as spicy as you like them (or not as the case may be.) We were both very pleased with our food, and would like to return as soon as possible.

If you like this kind of food, you should try Babusan out. Wewent on a Friday night at 7 p.m. and were able to sit immediately. But as good as the food and service were, I don't know how long that will be true!


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