Book Giveaway: The Hope of Refuge by Cindy Woodsmall

I discovered author Cindy Woodsmall by accident - our local Christian bookstore had clearanced their Christmas items to 90% off and her Christmas book The Sound of Sleigh Bells was included. I bought it and took it home. It was a quaint story about an Amish girl who has been emotinoally wonded and decided she will never be interested in a man again . . . and an Amish man who has been phsyically wounded and chosen to isolate himself while he heals. The emotions ran deep and the story was intriguing.

When my mom had surgery scheduled and asked me to recommend some books, I told her I had some good books but they were Christmas themes (it was now April). She said it didn't matter and started with the Cindy Woodsmall book. At the end of the week she had finished the book and gone in search of more titles by this author. She came home with the Sisters of the Quilt series - When the Heart Cries (Sisters of the Quilt, Book 1), When the Morning Comes (Sisters of the Quilt, Book 2), and When the Soul Mends (Sisters of the Quilt, Book 3).

I have read Book 1 and am about halfway through Book 2. These books are even better than Sleigh Bells in my opinion. The setting is still modern day Amish country, but the plot is captivating and the story moves quickly, drawing you in and keeping you there. I already know I will feel as if I have lost good friends when the series ends.

Today, I am offering the opportunity to win an autographed copy of  The Hope of Refuge: A Novel (An Ada's House Novel). This is the first book of a new series entitled Ada's House. The second book - The Bridge of Peace: A Novel (An Ada's House Novel) - is due out in September of this year.

To be honest, this is one giveaway I wish I could keep for myself as I haven't read this book and I'm sure it's just as great as the first four I have read by Ms. Woodsmall.

New Yorker Cara Moore is a widowed single parent struggling just to survive. In an effort to find answers to her past, she is drawn to an Amish community. However, she quickly learns that this small town is not a place for outsiders. In spite of the threat it poses to his standing in the community, Ephraim Mast begins the challenge of fulfilling the command he feels God has given him -  "Be Me to her." Torn between his community and his blossoming friendship with this single mother, Ephraim risks losing everything in order to help solve the mysteries of Cara's past.

Mandatory Entry: Must be a Google follower of MelissaStuff and tell me your favorite Christian fiction book and author.

Extra Entries:

(Please leave a separate comment for each of these that you complete so that you get the maximum number of entries.)

1. Follow MelissaStuff by RSS feed or email subscription (box to the right).

2. Sign up for Cindy Woodsmall's newsletter (Sent quarterly, with an occasional special edition).

3. Follow MelissaStuff on Twitter.

4. Become a friend of the MelissaStuff page on Facebook

Please make sure you leave an email address where you can be reached if it is not listed in your Google profile.

Good Luck! Contest ends at midnight on 6/8/2010 and the winner will have 24 hours to respond by email.

**This item was provided to me free of charge upon my request and all opinions expressed in this post are completely mine.**


  1. Hey, one of my favorite Christian authors is Beverly Lewis. I read all of her books in the Abram's Daughters series. If you want to borrow them to read, I'd love to loan them to you!

    I also love Francine Rivers...especially her series The Mark of the Lion. Amazing reading. If you haven't read HAVE to!

  2. my favorite author is karen kingsbury and her baxter series books are amazing


  3. I like a lot of different ones. I just finished reading The Raven Saint by MaryLu Tundall and liked it very much.

  4. I love Francine Rivers and Karen Kingsbury.

  5. follower
    Catherine Marshall - "Christy"
    june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

  6. I follow on google friends and I have read all 3 Sisters of the Quilt and LOVED them, that's why I wanted to enter this giveaway. So I guess those would be my favorites, but given more time I'm sure I could come up with more.

  7. I am a follower. Two of my favorites are Beverly Lewis and Cindy Woodsmall. I love books about the Amish. Thanks for the giveaway...I can't wait to get my hands on The Hope of Refuge!
    jackievillano at gmail dot com

  8. Follower. My fave Christian Author is a friend of mine, Cheryl St. John, who moved from mainstream romance to Inspirational Historicals. I love all of her books, but The Preacher's Wife is a favorite.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  9. Signed up for Cindy's email newsletter.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  10. I like Karen Kingsbury - and for oldies, C.s. lewis chronicles of narnia series!
    mannasweeps (at) gmail DOT com
    I follow on google friend connect

  11. I follow you on twitter @mannabsn
    mannasweeps (at) gmail DOT com

  12. Left Behind by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins.
    13greenducks at gmail dot com

  13. Following MelissaStuff by RSS feed
    13greenducks at gmail dot com

  14. following on twitter @13greenducks
    13greenducks at gmail dot com

  15. I love anything by Judith Pella.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  16. This book is the perfect kind of book for me. I would say my favorite author is Beverly Lewis.

    I am a follower!

  17. I subscribed

  18. I follow and right now my favorite is Wanda Brunstetter.


  19. I'm a follower. I have read most all of the Janet Oke books. I like reading her books.


  20. I follow on google friend
    My favorite Christian book would have to be The Fire of the Covenant by Gerald Lund

  21. I follow MelissaStuff on Twitter (@erobison09)

  22. I follow MelissaStuff on FB

  23. I'm a follower. Terri Blackstock is one of my favorites to read.

    I follow you on twitter.

    I'm a friend on Facebook.

    I follow you by RSS feed.

  24. My favorite Christian Fiction is The Shunning by Beverly Lewis.
    I follow as rsg on GFC.

  25. I follow on Google Friend Connect and want to win this book. I love the Amish books and read every one I can. Thanks for the chance!

  26. I subscribed by e-mail. Thanks

  27. I esp like Janette Oak and really have enjoyed the dvd's from the same series

    ~eunice b
    rsmile2u@ dejazzd .com

  28. i subscribe via email

    ~eunice b
    rsmile2u @dejazzd .com

  29. i'm subscribed to cindy woodsmall's newsletter

    ~eunice b
    rsmile2u @dejazzd .com

  30. i follow you on twitter

    ~eunice b
    rsmile2u @dejazzd .com

  31. follow on facebook :-)

    ~eunice b
    rsmile2u @dejazzd .com

  32. Beverly lewis is my all time fave! I love her stories bout the amish- I don't have a fave book of hers because I like all her books.thanks!jacquecurl1(at)

  33. I signed up for cindy's newsletter. jacquecurl1(at)

  34. My favorite right now is Cindy Woodsmall, but I've been reading a lot of Colleen Coble lately too.

  35. i follow via gfc - osu92

    i like the left behind books by tim lahaye and jerry jenkins

    julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

  36. i follow via google reader and email

    julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

  37. i follow you on twitter - @nosogirl

    julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

  38. i'm a fb fan - julie.reuter1

    julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com


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