Weston Garrett is Home!

On Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 12:57 p.m. Weston Garrett was born. He weighed 8 lbs, 5 oz. and was just a bit more than 19 inches long.

Unfortunately, he had some fluid retained in his lungs and was whisked of to NICU shortly after birth. After trying blow by oxygen, then an oxygen tent, and finally a C-Pap to get his breathing to where it should be.

After just about two days in the NICU, Weston's lungs were clear enough for him to be released to the regular nursery. We stayed in the hospital until this morning and now we are home trying to settle into a schedule that works for all of us.

The one thing I have quickly settled back into is how much I enjoy little babies. I could eat Weston up . . . at the very least kiss his face off. He eats well and sleeps well - and makes lots of little noises.

Hopefully the next few days will help us all settle in and get into a pattern that will work for all of us. I am hoping to find some time here and there to post some deals here on the blog. But if at any point you wonder where I am or what I'm doing, you can rest assured I am cuddling, kissing, and possibly feeding my newest angel!


  1. He is out!! :-) And, he is adorable. That car seat picture is just sooo sweet. Congratulations! I can't wait to meet the little fellow. Welcome, Weston!

  2. Hi Melissa! I've been visiting your site for a couple a weeks now and I wanted to thank you very much for all of the coupon and free stuff postings. :)

    Congratulations to you and your family. Your son is beautiful.


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