Where I've Been . . .

So, yesterday was the first day in forever that I didn't post anything . . . not even once. But there was a good reason for it. I participated in a community wide consignment sale that raises money for our MOPS group. I was one of the coordinators so I was able to go early Friday night and shop before the crowds. I got some GREAT deals.

I bought a like new Chicco high chair for $25! My boys stay in their high chairs forever - at least until the age of 2 - and they're hard on the chairs by then, so while we still had one that would have probably been functional, I'm excited my new little toot will have the chance to tear up his own chair. And that I was able to find such good quality for such a good price.

I also bought a single, jogging Jeep stroller for $25. I have two different kinds of double strollers, but they aren't the easiest to maneuver through close set aisles and I wasn't sure my 3 and 4 year olds would have any desire to ride in the stroller next to the baby. So now I have an extra option.

And I bought a baby bathtub still in the box for $10.50. Again I had gotten rid of our's because it was worn and I thought storing it for a couple of years was a bit silly.

6 pairs of shoes, a wall sign, multiple outfits in multiple sizes for all of the boys, and some burprags later, I spent a grand total of $134. Because I was also selling in this sale - and had almost 600 items with several being at least $20 each - I am sure I came out on top in more ways than one.

However, after this weekend, I'm tired (which isn't really anything new) and ready for things to be where they go . . . and for this baby to be on the outside not the inside.

Hope you enjoyed your weekend. I'll share more later about another project I'm working on . . .


  1. Hello Melissa!

    Thanks for entering the Mommy and Child T-shirt Giveaway from CafePress at MilkandCuddles! I'm happy to tell you that you are the winner!

    Unfortunately you failed to leave me your e-mail address in your entry! I don't want to disqualify you- but I do need you to contact me within 24 hours letting me know you accept the prize, and a name and shipping address!




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