10 Ways to Earn More Swagbucks . . .

I noticed several of you who have signed up under me for Swagbucks have not earned any "bucks" yet . . . except maybe the ones you get for signing up. Since I know some of you may not have the time or desire to research ways to earn more, I want to make it easy for you. Here's how I've earned $25 in Amazon gift certificates and enough points for about $10 more in the last 3 months:

#1 - Download the Swagbucks toolbar

I get tired of everyone and their brother wanting me to download their toolbar, but since I get paid to use Swagbucks toolbar I am glad to have it up at the top of the page to remind me to use it. If you use the Swag Bucks toolbar everyday, you will earn at least 1 bonus Swag Buck a day! Plus there are often exclusive Swag Codes released on the toolbar.

The tool bar allows me to search without leaving the page that I'm currently on. I can enter web addresses into the search bar and it will take me directly to the page and count it as a search - I frequently earn points just for going from one page to the next. The toolbar also keeps me updated on how many points I've earned so far.

(If the link above isn't working for you, go to the main Swagbucks page and then select Toolbars from the menu at the top. There is a button on the left side of that next page which gives you the option to download.)

#2 - Search the Internet using Swagbucks

Some of you may laugh at this tip, but I've heard multiple times from people that they didn't realize that the actual process of searching was the BEST way to earn bucks. I search for normal every day items and earn bucks. If it's been more than 12 hours since I've won something, I might search just to see if I can win something. More often than not, I do. You can even use it and earn points when you are away from your home computer by going to Swagbucks.com and then entering your search there.

#3 - Browse Special Offers

You can earn bonus Swag Bucks just by browsing the special offers section every day!

From the main page of Swagbucks.com look for the Ways to Earn option at the top. Click on it and select Special Offers from the drop down box. Click on the blue box that says No Obligation Offers on the right side. Then Scroll through these offers by clicking skip or next.

Once you get through about 3-7 offers it will alert you that you have received today’s bonus Swag Bucks. This is something you can do every day.

#4 - Complete Special Offers

As you browse through some of these offers, you may find some that appeal to you. Generally, you will get a set amount of Swagbucks for each offer that you complete.

#5 - Find SwagCodes

I do my best to let you know when these are out. Sometimes they are posted on Facebook, sometimes on Twitter, sometimes through the Swagbucks blog and sometimes through the TSG link on your toolbar. Sometimes they just give you the code and other times it's a "hunt" to find it or put pieces of a code together.

I have to be honest and say if it's too difficult I just don't mess with it. It's too easy to earn bucks other ways without that time and effort.

There is a Swidget (a box on the bottom of my blog page) that you can click on the Swagcode button and see if there is a current swagcode at anytime.

#6 - Swagbucks Newsletter

Twice a month Swagbucks sends out a newsletter and each of these newsletters has a swagcode in it. If you don't subscribe to the newsletter, you can do so by going to the Swagbucks.com homepage and clicking on the newsletter link on the left (it's almost the last option).

#7 - Shop through Swagbucks
You will notice that when I send out good online deals, I always include the cash back sites, MyPoints and Swagbucks. Again, being honest, I usually get better deals through the cash back sites so I don't frequently use Swagbucks. But if you're not interested in signing up for one of the cash back sites or you are just a few bucks away from your prize on Swagbucks then it might be worth it.
Just go to the homepage and look for the Shop & Earn option on the left side toolbar.
#8 - Trade in Old Electronics
Swag Bucks offers a trade in program for your used electronics. Just go to SwagBucks.com and click on Ways to Earn at the top. Then click on Trade In and follow the instructions.
However, I have not done this. If I choose to trade in, I would go through Amazon, Walmart or Target's program that give me cash.

#9 - Submit pictures, video, or a poll idea to Swagbucks

If you upload a picture of yourself to your profile before April 1st, you will earn 13 Swagbucks.

If you submit a poll idea (lefthand menu of the home page) and they use it, you will earn Swagbucks.

If you send a picture of you with your prize or a video of you unboxing your prize, you get bonus Swag Bucks. You get 10 Swag Bucks for each prize photo and 20 swag Bucks for each video. You are limited to 5 of each type. Email your videos and pictures to prizephoto@swagbucks.com.

#10 - Refer your friends!
Besides diligently searching, this has been the best buck earner for me personally. For every friend that you get to sign up under your referral, you will get a buck for every buck they earn searching. This continues until you hit 1000 points for each of your referrals. That's a lot of points from each of your referrals!!


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