Getting a Good Deal on Toilet Paper

You may laugh at the title of this post, but several of my friends have called specifically to ask what a good price on toilet paper is and where I find good deals on it. It seems like the stores really like to get premium dollars for something that we use to . . . well you know.

My mom told me when I first moved out on my own that her goal was to never pay more than $.25 a regular roll of tp. That means a 4 pk should be no more than a $1. A 12 pk should be no more than $3, etc.
I've been lucky to find great deals here and there on tp. For a while there were 4 pks of Cottonelle available for about $1 and frequent $.50 or $1 coupons to use on them. Angel Soft has a 4 pk that is close to $1 and every once in a while there is a $1 coupon.
There are store brands that are less than a $1, but be forewarned you generally get what you pay for there. Joey bought some at Kroger last night that is one ply and so rough that my dad would call it "John Wayne toilet paper - it don't take crap off of nobody!" . . . but after all it was $.88 for a 4 pk. (And Sh! don't tell my mom I told you my dad says that. She'll be mortified.)

When in a pinch with no sales, no coupons and no toilet paper in the house, I generally try to buy Albertson's store brand. It is usually $.99 I believe and feels more like a mainstream brand tp than a John Wayne.

But, I have good news for those of you that are in immediate need of toilet paper. CVS has a sale this week on their Charmin 12 pk of double rolls - $4.99. A double roll counts as 2 regular rolls so it should be no more than $.50 each, so I would expect this package to be $6 or less. At $4.99 it's a good deal and there are some $.25 off coupons out there that will help just a bit.

I did buy some of this Charmin myself today since we have a party on Saturday and lots of guests coming . . . that's generally not the time to be employing John Wayne tp!!


  1. I just printed off a $3 off any $15 purchase at CVS thru Sunday. I guess I'll be buying three of these and a pack of gum to get that $3 off! Thanks for the tip!

  2. Was that an email coupon? I got a $5 off $30, so I guess I'll have to work a bit harder to make that deal work, huh? :)


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