
So we did survive our first visit to the hospital, and I thought I'd share a few more pictures to show you how it went . . .

We did move to the Pulmonary wing and get a regular bed. Riley continued to improve and steadily wean off of all the supplemental machines. Here is just on a monitor to continue to measure his vitals.

He clearly started to feel better and began to be more difficult . . . although he did let tired, pregnant Mommy rest in his bed.

We stayed one more night and Riley requested that Daddy sleep in the bed with him. I think Joey was more than happy to comply. I had to wake them both up each time the nurses came in during the night to do vitals and give medicine.

Just before we left, they let Riley go out to see the train display and, of course, he had to stop and see all the Lightning McQueens that decorated the hallway.

It seems our whole existence lately has been focused on survival. Surviving this latest pregnancy and all the exhaustion, fatigue, and sickness that deluged me with it. Surviving our trip to the ICU and the nightmare of what asthma means and how it will continue to affect our family. Surviving some mystery illness that hit my sister, my mom, Joey, Colt and Riley leaving no one with the energy to help anyone else much. (The hospital said it was Rhinovirus which is just the common cold, but this hacking, sore throat, headache, achy illness didn't resemble any "cold" I've ever seen.) And then this last week my dad had surgery on his knee. My mom quit her job and will be officially jobless next Monday.

It's been crazy. It's been hard. If I wasn't tired before . . . I've become bone-numbingly exhausted. But in the midst of all of it, I have so much to be thankful for.

My baby is healthy and growing. We may even be able to find out if it's a girl or a boy next week. My biggest boy is doing really well. You wouldn't even know he had been sick. Everyone seems to have bounced back from the "mystery disease" with just some lingering coughing. My dad's knee looks great for less than a week post-op. My mom will have extra time to spend with the family until God gives her the next job He wants her to have . . . and maybe He will use this opportunity to call my parents to a simpler existence. Who knows?

I know that people I loved were there for me when I didn't know how I was going to go on to face the next minute . . . let alone the next day or the next week. A friend came and watched Colt in the middle of the night so Joey could be with me at the hospital when they moved Riley to ICU downtown. Family stayed with me at the hospital, came into relieve us when we needed a break and swooped Colt off to have fun with cousins and not be lost in the chaos of our hospital experience. My MOPS friends came and cleaned my house with me so Riley wouldn't keep getting sick because I just couldn't do it on my own. They've brought us food over and over which has been INCREDIBLY helpful since I have yet to even be able to fathom making a trip to the grocery store. (Joey just keeps grabbing the necessities when we run out!)

Thank God for the blessings in my life. Thank the Lord that I know Who is in control and haven't had to try to carry the responsibilities for all of life on my puny little shoulders. I don't know what the next few months hold in store for me, but for now I'm just resting . . . in the arms of my Saviour who wasn't surprised by any of this and is big enough for all of it and more.


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