Africa - Day Three

So when you give . . . pray . . . fast,
do not do these things to be honored by men . . .
they have received their reward in full. - Matthew 6

Today, we spent the day again in the Extension 23 township. When we first arrived at the tent we had a sweet time of singing and fellowship that touched our hearts and I believe helped prepare us to serve.

The first place we visited today was an orphanage. I truly don't have the words to explain this place, but maybe the story of one little girl will help. When we arrived she was sleeping outside on the ground covered by a couple of blankets. Remember, the temperature is likely in the 40s.

Liz, the local J-life leader, picked her up and held her. She looked to be about 3 years old, but Liz told us she was 8 years old and has full blown AIDS. Her counts are good and she is being well taken care of at the orphanage, but her mom dropped her off because she was tired of taking care of her.

We spent the morning washing their clothes and blankets by hand. It was cold and it was wet . . . and yet I felt like we were actually washing the Saviour's feet as we did it.

I am excited to go back to the orphanage later in the week and take some of the blankets and supplies we brought. My boys have SO much compared to these babies. I can't wait to share some of our things with them.

From the orphanage we went over to a daycare. There were probably fifteen children in the room the size of a master bathroom in one of our homes. And they were happy and obedient! In fact, I wondered if my oldest son would do better if he attended school there. I honestly don't know what their discipline secret is.

After lunch we were able to have a kids meeting where we played silly games and sang. Then we had a teen meeting where we sang, danced and did drama. So much fun and touching too.
Following Joey's testimony on Sunday, one of the teenage girls gave her testimony tonight and she was amazingly vulnerable. I believe from the bottom of my heart that the truth sets us free and I believe Joey's openness on Sunday bred the same kind of transparency in others this week.

By the time we headed back to camp, it was late and we were tired and hungry. But we were also incredibly blessed.
He's the God of this city.
He's the King of this people.
He's the Lord of this nation.
He is . . .in Mckinney and in Africa.


  1. I am praying for you! It sounds like God is truly stretching you and using you! I can't wait to hear from you once you are home and rested. Love you.

  2. God of this City - always brings me back to Africa.

    Can't wait to hear more!

    LOVE the pic of Liz. Thanks for sharing the story as well.


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