Africa - Day Eight

And the wolf will dwell with the lamb,
And the leopard will lie down with the young goat,
And the calf and the young lion and the fatling together;
And a little boy will lead them. - Isaiah 11:6

Our morning started out with a brief review of the week. I love hearing the hearts of our teens. I pray God will do incredible things in their lives, and this will not be an event they attended but an experience that changes them forever.

On the way to the airport, we went to two different places. First, we went to a Rhino and Lion park. The majesty of God we saw there was amazing!

Seeing the lion pride up close and personal makes me see the "Lion of Judah" in a whole new light. Joey took a number of remarkable picuters. From a puire enjoyment perspective, this was one of the highlights of our week.

However, it took us two hours to get there and another two hours to get back to the Joburg area where the open air market was. Joey and I had about ten minutes to dash through the "Burma" to pick up the handful of gifts we wanted to bring home.

Then it was straight to the airport. It was about 4:30 p.m. by then and we hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast. We grabbed Kentucky Fried Chicken which was nothing like Kentucky Fried Chicken but still very good and ate it sitting on the floor outside of the security line.

We made our flight in perfect time and the ride home was uneventful. I really struggled with clausterphobia and anxiety on the way home, and I don't know what that was about. I was eager to see my boys and to be off the stinking plane after 18 hours. Joey and I agree we will definitely book two 10 hour flights the next time we go to Africa and maybe even build in a bit of a layover as well!

I know our lives will never be the same after this trip. I just don't know exactly what face that will take. Joey - my laidback husband - said to me on the way home, "I wonder if I could transfer to the Johnson Controls [the company he works for] office in Joburg?" . . .


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