When You Have to Blog

I generally blog when the urge strikes. When a topic wells up inside of me and I know I need to share . . . and am pretty sure that none of my friends want me calling and talking about inane topics like gardening or dog breeders.

But today I'm blogging because I have to blog . . . because my lovely friend Jen E. wrote a blog, mentioned me and even linked over here. Since she's wonderful and I'm sure there are others like me who love to read her blog, I'm assuming I may get some traffic - and they might be interested in something that isn't almost a week old.

There's actually quite a bit going on in our little lives right now, but I'm not ready to share that yet because I don't have any definitive decisions. As soon as I get them - and I would love for that to be any day now - I will gladly share.

Besides that my boys and I have been chugging along this summer finding a new rhythm and actually quite enjoying ourselves. I don't think I've been out in the sun as much in the last few summers put together as I have in the last couple of weeks. We are becoming best buds with the library, and I'm beginning to be an old hand at play dates. (Holler at me if you want to get together and play.)

Lately I have been amazed over and over again at the blessings God has put in my life. It's crazy how sometimes we search in all the wrong spots for what we think we need and we turn around to find it has been waiting just under our noses for us to notice. More on this when I am able to share my other announcement . . .

Wow, so I'm not sure that this rambling post is really that much more interesting than just reading the older post that was originally sitting here, but whatever, it's my blog and therefore I get to do it my way. It's nice to have one thing in your life that works that way.

The only meaningful thing I have to share is what I learned yesterday while studying for my counseling class - which by the way I am almost halfway done with already!

I've struggled over the years with the concept that I was "different" - not bad different, at least not in my eyes, but different enough that not everyone knew what to do with me or how to respond to me. But what I was working on last night was addressing the concept that God purposely made each of us unique. We are all made in His image and therefore reflect His glory in a unique and special light because we are US. If we were all alike, the world would never see the full scope of God's love, justice, grace, mercy, humor, forgiveness, etc.

Growing up I rebelled against the institutions around me that pushed for cookie cutter believers who walked the same, talked the same, dressed the same, but I never realized that it wasn't just annoying and intolerant but also does our Lord an incredible disservice by limiting what others are able to observe and learn about Him by the differences in our walk, talk, and dress.

I've spent so many years in Christian school, Bible college, seminary, Sunday school, youth group, church. Walking this way with God recently has been an incredible experience for me. I am UNlearning things and finding freedom where I didn't know it existed. It's almost impossible to see where you have attempted to box God in sometimes. And it's sad to me that so many people I love don't have any room in their lives to allow God to point out their own boxes. However, one thing I have definitely learned in the last year is that it isn't my job to point out those boxes for them. Ha! So, until my next irresistible urge to blog, this is me tearing down the walls of my boxes and dancing in the all-consuming love of my Heavenly Father . . .


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