The Real Planner

So, I haven't written much about me and Joey's plans to go on a mission trip this summer. I grew up going on missions trips every summer as a teen, and Joey had never been - unless you count going with our tiny youth group to Missouri to do some work on some downtrodden homes back when we were engaged. We had talked many times about eventually making that a part of our family plans. I wanted our boys to not get caught up in the materialism they're surrounded by and truly know what it is to serve God wherever, however.

As summer approached and we got ready to plan our annual vacation, we couldn't find anywhere that we wanted to go. Long story short, we decided to go on a mission trip instead. At the time we were planning to go with another couple. Joey lobbied for an African trip, but after looking at our combined talents, funds and desires we jointly decided to move towards the trip to Belize which involved construction and interaction with children. Shortly after, the other couple decided not to go. However, we had already planned to go to Belize, so forward we went with those plans.

We raised money, made plans for our children, even had tickets reserved, and just a week ago we were informed that the trip was cancelled. The company the church was using didn't hold up their end of the bargain and so here we were, three weeks before we were supposed to leave with no trip planned.

I mentioned to some friends this weekend, that I am easily and gravely disappointed. If we have plans to go to lunch, I will plan for it and look forward to it for days . . . so if you cancel, I'm likely to be crushed and not know what to do with myself. I don't know why that is. Maybe that's how boring my life has become, and then again, I remember feeling that way as a child about even fairly routine events. Maybe I have a touch of autism or Ausberger's. I digress, the point is somehow, by God's grace, I didn't respond that way to this situation. I wasn't devastated. I wasn't floored. I wasn't even really surprised.

One of my wonderful friends who I think wants to remain nameless, had already told me she was going to give me a large chunk of money towards our trip. When this occurred, she told me that she would be able to put an even larger amount towards our trip if we needed it. The problem was we didn't know what trip that was going to be. We had all of the money. We had our passports. We had planned well. But we didn't have a destination.

And now after just a week of wondering what God had planned since it was clearly different than what I had planned. We found out we will be GOING TO AFRICA! If you read this blog, you know I just returned from youth camp which I love. In general, I just love youth and am energized by being with them. Interestingly enough, they had already planned to take a small group to South Africa at the end of July. The youth staff worked really hard to get us on the trip and even though we're flying through Darfur - please pray for us - we will be headed to South Africa at the end of July.

Now, the humorous part to me was that after all of my planning, nothing went the way that I had planned. And just to make sure that I was aware that it was HE who had chosen the trip and that it was HE who had paid for the trip, I also found out that we are still going to have to raise $400 to pay for the last minute flights. But then again, I'm sure HE has planned a way to provide for that $400 as well. After all, next to Him my planning abilities register on the level of about a three-year-old. He is the Real Planner.

In the end, I am absolutely thrilled. I truly never dreamed I would go to Africa for any reason, and I know my husband is beside himself that his original wish is going to be granted. And, thanks Lord, for the lesson on "walking humbly" with You!


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