My Rules

I was challenged today - as I was reading another blog (My Messy Thrilling Life)- to really consider what rules are MY rules and what rules I follow because someone else thought they made sense. Those of you that know me will probably be rolling your eyes right about now and wondering when I EVER follow rules. But that's not what I mean.

I mean the seconds, minutes and hours that we waste worried about what someone else will think about a decision we have made. While I may not have much of a thing for rules in the first place, I have wasted many days of my life concerned about the fallout of certain decisions. I have avoided certain books because someone thought they were inappropriately "magical." I have made myself and my children miserable because I was worried about a random parent in the mall thinking poorly of my children or me. I have doubted myself because someone else stridently insisted they were right about a topic. I have closed down on who I am at times for fear of offending someone else who was still offended in the end because that's just who they are. No more.

From today forward, I will have three rules - to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with my God.(Micah 6:8) These are MY rules. I did not choose them to benefit someone else. I will not do them because others are looking or because I fear their reactions if I don't. I choose these rules because that is who I want to be. I choose these rules because that is what is best for me and my relationships. I choose these rules because they are not rules that have a separate "letter of the law" and "spirit of the law." I choose these rules because I believe when your spirit is right, the letter of the law will take care of itself.

These rules are sufficient.

So, I am going to go to the library and check out the entire Harry Potter series. I am going to relax and let my boys be boys and concentrate on whether they are living justly, loving mercy and walking humbly - not on what other mothers think. I am going to choose clothes that I love, and not worry what people will think when I wear them. Some days I will purposely leave my house dirty so I can read a book, watch a good movie or even blog while my children sleep. I use fabric softener with ALL of my clothes, even my towels and I'm proud of it. I love people long after they are done with me, and I'm not going to stop. Think what you will.


  1. GREAT BLOG. And if you want to borrow my Harry Potter books you're welcome to them!!

  2. i've got'em, too, so let me know if want them. Love your new rules...


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