WAY Overdue . ..

Whoa! Not sure what happened with me in the blogging world. I posted 6 times in May and then took a vacation until August.

Things have been busy. That could be part of it. I now have a one year old who is ALL Carlisle - climbing things, beating his head into the wall, the chair, the table, whatever, slapping people but not really meaning to slap people . . . and then when you dare say "No-No!" he gets his feelings hurt and cries. Did I mention Carlisle??

The other one is me, me and more me. Ask what kind of day that makes for? He's recently started using words that are like, oh I don't know, 6th grade vocabulary. Today, both boys were putting their shoes on to go outside, but Colt was giving me fits as usual (he hates shoes). So I said, "Fine, go without shoes, but one day, you are going to have to wear shoes!" And Riley said, "Are you talking to me?"

"No, baby, I'm talking to Colt. But you have to wear shoes too."

"Oh. Are you re . . . repondin' [responding] to me?"

Funny look on my face. "No, I was responding to Colt."

"Oh, you repondin' to Colt."

Yeah, that's my 2 1/2 year old. He also told me the other day I was "being so ridiculus" because I wouldn't let him push my legs off the couch so he could put his in their place. And today he asked if it was raining at our house because we were in the car and it was raining outside. When I told him yes, he said, "Okay, I take care of it." What?!?!? Who taught this child these things? And what 2 year old says things like this? I thought they were still supposed to be figuring out how to put a whole sentence together, not giving lectures to their mothers. I thought I would have a few more years to figure out how to deal with a mouthy child who talks back ALL the time. As my mom would say, guess I'm "paying for my raising."

Joey's job is doing well and we're greatful for that. I love staying home most of the time, but have started doing some work on the side just for some extra income and some grown up interaction.

We are going on a vacation for our 5th anniversary . . . and there's a whole group going with us. We'll have a lot of fun. I think we missed a lot of the sightseeing stuff the first time we went on our honeymoon.

I've gotten very involved in our MOPS group and am heading up the Outreach/Community projects we do. The next one is Operation Christmas Child in October. We are putting together 35 boxes for children in third world countries who aren't able to celebrate Christmas with gifts usually.

Coupons and deal shopping have become my favorite hobby . . . and how I pay for a lot of what I want to do. I did have a horrible run in at Target not too long ago over trying to use perfectly valid coupons, but corporate was great to follow it up and try to make amends so I'm not going to publicly blast them. If it happens again, though, all the gory details will be your's.

I'm sure I could go on, but that should at least catch you up. Maybe I'll have something novel to share the next time I post - hopefully it won't be another 2 months.


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