
Okay, so I have to confess that my motivation for this post is 1.) It's been a month since the last one and 2.) A couple of friends who never blog have blogged in the last week proving how horribly behind I must be :)

But while we're on the topic, motivation is an interesting topic. I wish there was some sort of magic lens that would allow us to see the motive behind someone's actions.

When my husband says, "No, don't make those brownies." Is it because he doesn't like my cooking? Is it because he's afraid I'll eat too many of them? Or is it because he just doesn't like brownies very much?

It's been a long time since I was dating but I remember vividly trying to discern exactly where that guy was coming from. Was he really interested? When he didn't call was it because he was busy or because he had changed his mind? And then when they really did do something stupid - were they trying to end the relationship and just didn't have the guts to do it correctly - or were they just being human? Obviously, you can tell I got accused of "thinking too much" on more than one occasion.

But I will tell you that thinking has made me who I am today - the good, the bad and the ugly. I don't want anyone to ever have to wonder where they stand with me. I don't want to leave any stone unturned. Maybe I say too much sometimes. Maybe a little more mystery would be good . . . but it wouldn't be me.

On the flipside, I believe that old song that says, "God's still working on me - to make me what I ought to be." In spite of "me" I believe God is still molding and shaping, scraping off those rough edges because He has a plan for my life. He has a plan for each of us. Some of us cooperate better than others.


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