Family Update

Well, they think they have finally mastered my kidney infection. I go for something called a lythotrypsy - don't trust my spelling there - on Monday. It's high powered sound waves that they shoot at my kidney to break up the remaining stone or stones. Joey will have both babies on his own so please pray for him . . . or if you feel led, call and offer to help! I'm more worried about him than I am about my surgery.

Joey started his new position at work and loves it. No more climbing through narrow openings and pulling miles of wire. Now he hooks his computer up to the machines, downloads programming and moves on! Hopefully this will be the first step in a wonderful career for him.

Riley is growing and growing. He says almost any word you can think of (so be careful what you say around him). I have a hard time dragging him away from any kind of tool, and he adores cartoons. He's hitting a growth spurt and his clothes are all too little or too big or the wrong season, so please don't laugh if you see him dressed in something that looks like it was a donation from Goodwill. We're working on getting his wardrobe straightened out.

Colt is my angel . . . when he's not screaming at the top of his lungs. I believe he is going to look and act much like his daddy. He's still very blonde with gorgeous blue eyes. His smile absolutely melts my heart, but he can move from laughter to horrific anger in the blink of an eye. He seems to have some moderate stomach issues, so we are experimenting with different formulas and trying to find the right fit. But still at the end of the day, he loves to cuddle, loves to smile and be tickled and I honestly believe he will be an absolutely precious child when we conquer some of our recent challenges.

For those of you worried about our dogs, I am proud to report that I am finally back on a routine that actually allows for interaction with them. We took Buddy and had him completely shaved so he is presentable again. He looked like the Miniature Schnauzer version of the Caveman before. He's been staying in the house and has even been allowed free run of the place during the night. Cross your fingers, but no accidents yet. Babea has become an absolutely beautiful adult German Shepherd. She is our defender and our big baby! We have begun taking her for walks again and she loves to discover all the animals and plant life along the trail.

I think that about covers it. Now that I'm all caught up, I'm going to go try to fall asleep before Colt decides it's time to eat again . . . did I mention that he still wants to eat about every 3 hours?


  1. It's great to hear that things are returning to a state of "normal" for you guys! Colt and Isaiah sound like they are as much alike as their mothers are alike. :) Suggestion: Isaiah has had some stomach/reflux issues too. A natural remedy that has seemed to work for us...1 tsp. aloe vera juice every morning and 1/4 tsp. of babydophilus mixed in with breakfast every morning. both of these things can be bought at a natural food store. They have helped Isaiah's problems tremendously. Just a suggestion. Well, I miss ya and I love ya. Once life returns to a state of "normal" for me, I will sit down and give you a call and we can catch up. Hugs...


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