Why . . .

Okay, so I'm usually a little slow to jump on the bandwagon of new fangled ideas . . . it took me a while to wear capris, I still can't bring myself to wear anything from the 80's again, and whatever shoes I own were probably given to me by my mom or my sister.

But now that I am at home with my two boys - who are precious but don't provide much adult conversation - I think blogging might just be a good outlet for me.

It seems that life lately has been a series of surprising twists and turns. While that is not how I would choose to live by any stretch, I can confidently say it has not been boring. Sometimes my days are little more than curing one crisis (at least to an 18-month old) after another and cleaning up spit-up and poop. Yet, I can't tell you the last time I felt more like I am where I should be.

Joey's brother, Corey stayed here a couple of days this week. Never, since we've been married has any of Joey's family been close enough to see every day or hang out with on a regular basis. We really enjoyed the time we had this week, and hopefully it is only the beginning. Corey's whole family will be moving up to the metroplex this weekend. I know it will be an adjustment for them, but it's exciting for us. Even Riley has been walking around saying, "Zachhhry . . . Zachhhry."

I am thankful for some of the trials that have been thrown our way recently. Joey and I often discuss how our marriage and our family feel stronger after each of them. However, I could definitely go a little while without anymore. It's so sad to me that not everyone chooses to face the challenges of life head-on and grow from them. I can't fathom covering them and allowing them to fester, and yet it seems so often that's what people choose to do. Riley was learning about ostriches the other day and I thought that's exactly what many people do - bury their head in the sand, act like the problem doesn't exist and hope it goes away as quickly as it came. Unfortunately, the ostrich usually gets eaten at that point.

God has definitely been teaching me the principle of grace lately. I struggle with high expectations, striving for perfection, and impatience . . . not a good foundation for overflowing with grace. But sin is sin, and none of us immune. How can I hold my own sin any more loosely than I hold someone else's? My past isn't spot free, why should I expect anyone else's to be?

Well . . . I'm getting interrupted by a child waking up, so I'll continue this later . . .


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