
Recently, we had our 10 year high school class reunion. I can't believe it's been 10 years, apparently I'm older than I realized. I'm also in the process of transferring old home videos to DVD so that I'll still be able to watch them when the last of my VCRs break. What I've been reminded of is the fact that high school had some wretched moments, but it also had some wonderful memories.

For the reunion, I was 9 months pregnant, tired, stressed out and just generally overwhelmed by life, so I didn't enjoy the evening like I wish I would have. But one thing did jump out at me - how different people were.

It was incredible to see some of the people who were doing well - most were married, many had kids, and some were in fulltime ministry. (For those of you who don't know, I went to a small Christian school.) Others apparently made different choices. Their smiles weren't as bright. Their faces told a much harsher story of life. Even the stories they shared reflected a life of self-gratification, but little accomplishment.

And it isn't just kids from my graduating class. There are others, both younger and older. Some that didn't even go to school with us, but there stories are much the same. They party all the time. They are careless with their choices. They are driven to consume things that they swore they would never touch. They have babies with people they're not sure they love let alone want to spend the rest of their lives with. And they have surrounded themselves with people who are just the same.

The reality is they seem to have buried the person we knew. The person whose heart was as deep and wide as the ocean. The person who loved to laugh and wasn't afraid to be vulnerable. The person who cared what was right and what was wrong.

Please don't think I'm saying I have life figured out or that I'm perfect. I am far from perfect, and if I had to list out my faults here for everyone to see, there would be many of you who would be sick to your stomach as well. But I haven't abandoned what I believe. I've stumbled, even fallen flat on my face, but never given up.

I love Proverbs 24:16. It says, "A just man falls seven times but gets up again." It's the getting up again part that separates those that are succeeding in life from those who are not. But I still have faith that God can and will change all of us . . .and He's patiently waiting for those that have wondered a little farther away to be back in His arms again.

Back in His Arms Again by Mark Schultz
(Listen instead:
I see it in your eyes
The pain you keep inside
It's slowly tearing you apart
Though you've run away
Reminded day by day
You've stumbled and you've fallen
Still He's callin'

I believe that He loves you where you are
I believe that you've seen the hands of God
I believe that you'll know it when
You're back in His arms again
I believe that He never let you go
I believe that He's wanting you to know
I believe that He'll lead you 'til
You're back in his arms again.

Glad I found you here'
Cause in between the tears
Something in your eyes shows hope
And I stand before you now
As one that knows about
Coming to Him open
And broken

I believe that He loves you where you are
I believe that you've seen the hands of God
I believe that you'll know it when
You're back in His arms again
I believe that He never let you go
I believe that He's wanting you to know
I believe that He'll lead you 'til
You're back in His arms again
And I know that He's calling
He's calling you

P.S. I promise to stop preaching in my blogs. It just seems this is all the stuff that's been on my heart lately and that's what I end up being compelled to write about.


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