Updates and Complaints

So, I guess I'm just going to be a sporadic blogger. It's sad that I go to see what I wrote in my last blog and don't recognize any of it?!? I do Facebook quite a bit so I guess that has turned out to be my outlet.

We have had some major changes in our lives with the makings of many more coming. I am enrolled and registered to return to school to get another Master's degree - this time in Biblical Counseling - and to get my LPC license so I can work in either ministry or a "regular" job. I'm excited about that but nervous that I'm not sure how the childcare or the cost is going to work itself out.

Joey and I are going on a mission trip this July to Belize. Interesting choice because God must really want us there. 1 - we went there on vacation a couple years ago with his family and instead of it being "fun," we were all impacted by the poverty and unease of the country. 2 - Joey and I weren't the ones who chose this location and the person responsible isn't even going on the trip now. 3 - no one even seems to know what we will be doing on the trip or where we will be staying because it is a new endeavor for FBC McKinney. And yet, here we are raising money - about $1000 towards our total need of $4600.

Our boys are growing like weeds and full of personality. Riley is in school twice a week and loving it, but struggling with obedience specifically on items such as sitting still and being quiet. Have I ever mentioned he is his mother's child?

Colt is getting so big I don't feel like I have a baby anymore :( He tries to keep up with brother and has no fear. Climbs on anything. Jumps off most of it. Cries when he gets his feelings hurt more than when he is physically hurt.

We are trying to sell our house because we have quickly realized that the yard is not equipped to handle our boys . . . and any more that may come along. We aren't in a hurry, but we would like to find a good piece of land and build whenever this house does sell.

Babea - our sweet German Shepherd - had to be put to sleep last week. She was always a bit sickly and so we didn't notice at first that anything was amiss. But Joey went on a business trip and while he was gone I realized that she was throwing up a lot and losing too much weight. She was basically septic by the time he got back and so we chose to put her to sleep and not force her to fight anymore. It's so sad because we bought her and my dad's dog - Barron (Vimo von Draggahaus) from Draggahaus German Shepherds. A lady named Heather Haggard owns it and assured us that the dogs were the top of their breed - and trust me we paid as if they were. However Babea was never healthy. She continually threw up and had digestive issues. And just last week they confirmed that Barron has hip dysplasia which means he can't be bred. We've contacted Heather to no avail. She apparently knows she is dishonest and has no desire to rectify the situation. So to anyone wanting to buy a quality German Shepherd, Draggahaus German Shepherds is NOT the place!!

Well, on that note, I'll end. Our family is good. God blesses over and over, even when circumstances are difficult . . . and in the end, I really don't have any significant complaints about the life He has given me.


  1. Did you ever hear from Heather? We have a similar situation.

  2. No, we didn't hear ANYTHING from her. The saddest part was about 5 or 6 weeks after this post, my dad's German Shepherd - Barron - who I mentioned having dysplasia was actually diagnosed with lymphoma and only survived another few months.

    I think it's crazy to assume that all of these health problems are accidents or coincidences. My guess is that Heather is actually not being honest in representing which of her dogs she is breeding with other dogs or hiding illnesses and genetic defects in her breeding animals.

    So sad. There could be so much potential in her business and her dogs, but apparently her character is not what it should be.

  3. I agree. Our shepherd had digestive problems early on. We put here through a number of tests trying to determine out what was wrong. Heather ignored all of our calls and emails requesting family history or ideas as to the cause. Even now, she ignores our communication regarding another matter. Oh well, at least our dog is doing fine! Thanks for the post.

  4. So sad! We have a german shepherd from Heather. Although she is healthy, her temperament isn't what I had expected considering the price we paid. She is extremely shy and sensitive. She is 8 years old now (we have had her since she was 6 months). We love her dearly but every once in a while I start thinking about how sad it is that this breeder is stil out there making money off dogs.

  5. I also bought a dog from this lady...never again and will tell anybody who wants to buy one from her to look elsewhere. My dog also has temperment issues. I also never got a registration from her even though I asked many times. She told me there was a problem with the people who had owned the male and couldn't get the litter registered. It's funny that now she is using one of the sisters to mine as a breeder and her litters are registered. This lady is NOT a quality breeder.

  6. I purchased a beautiful German shepherd puppy from Draggahaus German Shepherds afew years back. We had nothing but health problems with him. The vet bills really added up. His hips got so bad he was in terrible pain and I had to have the vet. put him to sleep. It was very sad. I have spoken with Heather on the phone and just got the run around with her. Her website is very misleading and would never purchase another dog from her.

  7. we purchased a dog from this woman. it took us a long time to get his papers. we were trying to get our dog's hips xrayed and the vet needed his papers. we called many times and finally got them . the dog had hip dysplasia. we were sent to dallas to a hip specialist and we told him dad was hip vertified. he said that is is the moms that pass this on. because ms haggard took so long to get us our papers by the time we got to the specialist it was to late to do surg. this surg would not have beens as hard on the dog and much less expensive. if you purchase a puppy have him xrayed early. because one years old is to old if they need to do surg intervention other than a total hip. so now if our sam does develop problems it will cost us 5000.00 for a total hip. so far we have been fine. we have had some issues with weak pasturns but we keep him from jumping and walk him on hills to build them up and keep an eye on his weight. sam is a wonderful addition to our family but i will never buy from this lady again. she misleads people and you do not get the quality you believe you are paying for. next time we will be adopting from a german shepherd rescue. sam is now 5-6 years old and hope to have him 6-7 years more.


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