Early Christmas Gift Guide #4: Lodge Cookware from #MarketStreetTX

I can't tell you how excited I was to hear that Market Street was going to be offering Lodge Cookware as a part of their rewards program. (If you're not familiar, Lodge is one of the oldest makers of Cookware here in the States. They've been making quality products since 1896.) For so long I have been wanting to get a true Dutch Oven but the cost just wasn't something I could ever justify. But with the Market Street rewards program you can earn the products just by shopping at your favorite store. There are two different kinds of cookware available from Market Street through this promotion . . . Bakeware 2 Ramekins Oval Roaster (Blue or Red) Rectangular Roaster (White, Blue or Red) Note that the rectangular roasters are all slightly different in size and reward e-stickers. Cookware Dutch Oven (White, Blue or Red) Please note the red is a bit larger than the white and blue dutch ovens and therefore requires a few additional rewards e-stick...