Top 5 Disney Cruise Necessities
I know we all define necessities different. Just going on a Disney cruise is quite the treat blessing, but if you have a little extra time, creativity or money the things on my list of "necessities" will make your trip that much more fun. #1 - Fish Extender Funny name, but the little plates next to stateroom doors on Disney have a hanger in the shape of a fish. Somewhere along the way someone had the nifty idea to hang a bag from the hook and use it as a place to drop off fun gifts for other people. Now they've gotten super fancy or you can make your own. But I would definitely recommend everyone participate in this volunteer activity so you can enjoy all that Disney has to offer. Sample FE by EmbroideryByEmilyLLC . #2 - Fish Extender gifts Now if you hang a fish extender outside your door, then you will also need to sign up for Disney FE groups so that you know who to drop off to and who will be dropping off to you. And once you're a part of the group t...