Now this post will be disturbing to some people that know me well . . . but one of the things that works for me is not being a freak about germs when it comes to my kids. Now, let me re-emphasize WHEN IT COMES TO MY KIDS because as many of you know personally I am a germaphobe. I don't care to eat on dishes at other people's houses often, usually opt for paper and plastic which I understand may possibly not be any cleaner but provide the illusion to me that I am better off. (At least, I am guaranteed to not find old crusty, dried on food stuck to a new paper good!) Back to what I was saying about my children . . . I decided early on that I was not going to obsess about what they are exposed to, at least within reason. So while I do not encourage my child to go out in the backyard and eat dog poop, if they did, I would rinse out their mouth and go on with life. My children have tried dog food, their own waste, food that has been stuck who knows where for long enough to not be re...