Family Update
Well, they think they have finally mastered my kidney infection. I go for something called a lythotrypsy - don't trust my spelling there - on Monday. It's high powered sound waves that they shoot at my kidney to break up the remaining stone or stones. Joey will have both babies on his own so please pray for him . . . or if you feel led, call and offer to help! I'm more worried about him than I am about my surgery. Joey started his new position at work and loves it. No more climbing through narrow openings and pulling miles of wire. Now he hooks his computer up to the machines, downloads programming and moves on! Hopefully this will be the first step in a wonderful career for him. Riley is growing and growing. He says almost any word you can think of (so be careful what you say around him). I have a hard time dragging him away from any kind of tool, and he adores cartoons. He's hitting a growth spurt and his clothes are all too little or too big or the wrong season, so p...